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Designed for the researcher that requires higher resolution than can be obtained using linear TOF mass spectrometers. Modular construction from standard vacuum hardware makes custom variations or later modifications easy. Although this type of equipment is complicated in theory, it is mechanically quite simple and easy to use. Resolution of 1500 has been obtained without extensive tweaking or other techniques to enhance initial performance. Resolution of over 4000 has been obtained when used with Jordan TOF Products's Shroud, Skimmer, Pulsed Valve and Egun. Sensitivity has so far been good with both pulsed beam and surface ablation experiments.
This two-stage design is composed of an Entry grid which is normally at ground or Flight Tube potential. Behind this is the Retarding Grid, followed by several plates which give a uniform repelling field. More plates are used than are actually required in order to guarantee uniformity and prevent ion scattering and loss of sensitivity. The last element is the Reflector Grid which can run at reflection potential, or be grounded to enable ions reach an optional 18mm MCP Linear Mode Detector behind the reflector.
The C-726 detector is designed to handle the fast ion pulses provided by the Angular Reflectron Time Of Flight Mass Spectrometer. The 40 mm MCP Detector mounted on the C-854 Offset Adaptor has 50 Ω output and provides high gain of 106 to 107 with sub-nanosecond rise time. An input grid presents a flat, field free plane to the incoming ions. This grid may be operated at ground or elevated potential as required.