Legacy products

We have supplied researchers with thousands of custom and refurbished products, which fall into four categories: Pulsed Power, Nanosecond Imaging, Flash Radiography, and Metrology. Find more of these instruments under the links in the menu below.




Why did you stop offering these products?

These are old designs from other manufacturers that we have either refurbished or upgraded. These products were made in very small quantities, so after delivering these instruments to our customers, our stock was depleted to zero.

Do you support these products?

We offer repair service and can upgrade many products for better performance and compatibility with modern technology.

I have one of these instruments and want the latest and greatest model. Where are your new models?

Contact us to discuss having a custom replacement designed and manufactured.

I don’t have time to get a custom product built. Do you have similar products in stock?

Take a look at our products for our off-the-shelf equipment.