Transmission lines built with PECOS busbar connectors are a low-inductance way to make sure that peak current is higher and rise time is faster. Layouts can be planned accurately using CAD models to shorten the time between planning an experiment and analyzing data. When a specific waveform is needed circuits can be tuned on the fly using only a ruler, hacksaw, and hex key.


pecos busbar connectors




pecos spark gap adapter



pecos straight



pecos 90° Corner



pecos 45° Angle



pecos rotatable



pecos 4-way cross



I can get aluminum or copper busbar. You suggest aluminum. Wouldn’t copper be better since it has higher conductivity?

Turns out that overall conductivity only scales as the square root of material conductivity because busbar is much thicker than the skin depth. This means that copper has almost no conductivity advantage. Offsetting this very small advantage are a few unfortunate properties of copper. Copper catalyzes oxidation of dielectric oil. Copper sulfide is a conductive compound that forms when copper reacts with sulfur in oil or air and tends to electromigrate and cause breakdown. And, most obviously, copper is much heavier and more expensive than aluminum.

How much current can your busbar connectors handle?

We’ve tested to 48 kA. If you plan to operate at higher current contact us with info about your peak current and waveform and we’ll run some tests for you.

Can I get a custom busbar coupler?

Absolutely! Email a sketch on a cocktail napkin to or call 505-913-9916.